Quantum Journeys

with Cláudia


“Imagination is the language of the soul”



Experience Quantum Group Hypnosis as a healing modality!


“Quantum Journeys” are an exploration of the Subconscious mind using Quantum Hypnosis as a healing modality. 

This feels very similar to a deep meditative state of mind which allows participants to travel into their subconscious & access deep inner wisdom.

The intention with these journeys is to provide you with an experience of healing and to connect you with your Soul, your Higher Self or your Guides to gain new understanding and knowledge about your emotional, mental, physical or spiritual self.

Journeys are held in ceremony to enable us to connect as a collective and raise the frequency of the group, this energetically boosts each participants experience & fortifies protection within the journey.

Trust that the subconscious will take you where you need to go.

Through simple visualization and imagery techniques, the entire group is taken on a journey of discovery. Depending on the theme, the group may be guided to a place of healing, back in time to past lives, parallel lives, into the future or to a place where they may meet their spiritual guides or guardian angel. The possibilities are endless.

The motivations for accessing the subconscious are limitless.  You may want to find your life purpose, heal relationships, unblock fears, connect with your star family and so much more.

Possibly the most important element of a journey is to have a clear intention with which your Subconscious mind and Spiritual Team (Higher Self, your Soul or your Spirit Guides) can use as a compass.

”Quantum Journeys” are accessible to everyone. 

No previous experience with Hypnosis is necessary.  Whether you are a seasoned traveller or you are completely new to the idea of hypnosis as a healing modality you can still have an amazing experience.

My role is to be your guide, your space holder and your support should you need it.

Let’s reconnect with our sovereignty & remember that we are our own healers.

I look forward to sharing these magical journeys with you!

In love & wonder,


What do I need?

  • Begin your preparation by exploring the intention for your journey. What has nudged you to attend? What are you seeking from the experience?

  • Affirmations are an easy and fun way to prime our minds for the future. Repeat this affirmation in the days leading up to your journey “I have clear and direct communication with my Higher Self.” and see the magic that open up.

  • Bring whatever you need to make yourself comfortable, you will be lying down for the duration fo the journey. Yoga matt, blanket, pillow, socks and an eye mask / scarf to put over your eyes are just some options.

  • Any keepsakes, crystals or special items that help you feel connect to your ancestors, guides or Higher Self.

  • Water or any refreshment that you prefer. Preferably water.

  • Notebook and pen to journal your experience