Hello, I’m Cláudia Delmont

Spiritual Coach. Teacher. Guide. Channel.

I’m all Heart & Soul!

I have a passionate interest in helping others connect with their Heart & Soul as a path to expressing their authentic self & living the life they’ve always dreamt of.

I see my role as being that of a guide to others as they navigate through transitions in their Spiritual Awakening journey.

I weave a Psychospiritual approach with Shamanic practices in the way that I conduct Soul based Healings, Retrievals, Alignments & Initiations to support my clients.

I love creating Sacred Containers where my clients may experience deeper connections to their Soul, to others, the Earth and the Great Mystery.

I weave together an array of Quantum techniques from Hypnosis to Akashic Readings, to support my clients to heal, to gain clarity and wisdom, to learn about their Divinity and Sovereignty, guiding them into experiences of their multidimensional true nature and inspiring them to stand in their power and live a life of freedom.

I have initiated as a High Priestess of the Christed Sophia, initiated in The Rose Sisterhood, the lineage of Hathor, Isis and Mary Magdalene.

I have also initiated in the Shamanic Womb Healing Tradition of South Africa as a Mamsebeletsi, a Priestess of the Waters, a Womb Whisperer.

The role of the Priestess is to guide humanity in the process of Knowing Thyself.

At its core this archetypal role is here to support humanity shake the amnesia, awaken to their gifts, to step beyond the veils of our programming to reclaim our multidimensional nature and remember that we are Sovereign and Free.

I have learnt through my own journey from Burnout to Wholeness that leveraging the wisdom of our Heart & Soul is the key to tapping into the song of life that flows through us, the essence of our Soul-being and the gateway to fully becoming all that we are destined to be.

Leading from our hearts awakens us to our gifts and gives us the courage to elevate our love to new energising heights and to step forward into the world with graceful conviction.  This state of being is the greatest gift that we can offer ourselves, our families, our friends, our organisations, our communities and our world.  As our collective consciousness shifts from the love of power to the power of love, the world needs Humans like you and me to support this evolutionary process.

I believe that when we do the work of the heart, that is, when we embark on the journey of uncovering who we truly are, we create unlimited potential for those around us to drink from our stream and change their perspective on living.

My Background

As a Quantum Healer I work multidimensionally to empower my clients in the activation of their true nature. reminding that they are the medicine that they are seeking.

As a Sacred Space creator I create safe containers for my clients to access altered states as bridges to activate healing in support of their ascension.

As a Hypnosis Practitioner I support my clients in exploring their consciousness through a heart-based hypnosis modality known as Quantum Healing Hypnosis.

As an Akashic Reader I enter the Akashic records on behalf of my clients and channel the wisdom and information that they require right now to support their personal development and Growth.

As a diviner and intuitive I connect with Spirit to access wisdom from the higher realms on behalf of my clients.

At the core of my Spirituality is the belief that I am a co-creator in this life with GOD/Source/Spirit/Universe/Light. My beliefs are non-denominational. All of your beliefs are respected and welcomed.

I am a dedicated student of the Mystery schools and continue my training, deepening my connection with the wisdom of the ancient ones, my ancestors and the Divine Mother Goddess Mysteries of Sacred Union and Immaculate Conception.

I am a student of the HEART, expanding and evolving my own relationship with this cosmic gateway so that I may support others move deeper into their heart-space. 

Gaia is my guide in discovering the wonders of plant medicine, this is an evolving medicine for me .

I have completed my Advanced Coaching & Leadership Diploma (ACSTH)  with the ICF through the SA College of Applied Psychology.

I have completed trainings as an Enneagram Practitioner. Somatic Leadership Practitioner.  Organisational Systems & Relationship Practitioner.  These were supportive to my earlier career as an Executive coach and although I sprinkle my work with the wisdom gained in these explorations they are not fundamental to my work.

Earlier in my life I was an Executive Coach with a special interest in Women in Leadership. I co-owned a Corporate Wellness Company “Amazing Life” which focussed on providing organisations, teams and health care professionals with a holistic understanding of how to manage and treat Stress, Burnout & Adrenal Fatigue. Prior to this work I traversed the world of corporate for 15 years as a Human Capital & Organisational Change Executive within Multinational Banking Industry and FMCGs.

I am dedicating this space to supporting you on the journey back to your heart, the journey of embodying your Soul and connecting deeply with your hearts wildest desires.

You are the Medicine!

I look forward to supporting you on your journey and helping you unlock your magic. It would be my honour to walk this path with you.


In love & wonder,


Mar Moya

What People Are Saying

In your presence I feel seen. I think your ability to really see people is what draws so many people to you. With being seen, I feel safe and not judged. It allows me to be myself and express without thinking what I am feeling. So for me, that usually leads to enormous creativity. I feel seen, and so I feel safe, and so I am free to be creative. I have most of my best ideas with you!!!

Lauren M

I get a wonderful sense of peace when I am with you. A deep connectedness with being human and being female.

And most importantly, a sense that you are holding our conversation and interaction in a safe space. That gives me permission to lean into my authenticity.

Mieks G