One on One Coaching & Healing Journey


An epic Journey of Self-Discovery

Re-wire your sense of Self & Awaken your Sovereignty

Do you feel called to dive deep into your spiritual journey to align with yourself, your dreams, and your life purpose?

I’ve created this 1:1 container for those who are ready to elevate their conscious awareness, align with a sense of purpose, break anti-Self patterns and expand their capacity to achieve their dreams.

Know thyself!

It is time to claim your LIFE & live your DREAM!


Sovereignty is our birthright!

It is each person’s right to exist in the way the person or being chooses.

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought…

“Who is this person?”

It’s OK! We all lose touch with ourselves at some point in life. After all we are hardwired with an urge to merge! We merge with our mothers at the moment of birth, knowing that she is our life-line, our means to surviving. We fuse with our partner & other close relations as if motivated in part by an unconscious fantasy of bliss through unity.

We merge to strengthen our sense of belonging & safety, but at some point we find ourselves looking in the mirror and asking "Who is this person?"

Do you currently find yourself facing one of these realities?

You have awakened in a life that is far removed from the dream life you had envisioned; or

You’re just realising that somewhere in the midst of being a parent you've lost yourself; or

You're facing the breakup of a marriage; or

You're leaving an abusive and oppressive relationship; or

You have come to realise how little fulfilment you are getting from your career; or

You're living the life set out for you by someone else - your parents or your partner, perhaps.

Whatever the reason, if you've ever looked into a mirror and thought…

"Who is this person?"

This journey has been designed especially for you.

By walking this epic journey of self-discovery you will be equipped to…

Answer the Question "Who am I?"

  • Understand your past & how you got here

  • Connect with the true essence of your being

  • Experience more moments of Soul alignment & embodiment

Cultivate Self-Love & Self-Acceptance

  • Cultivate awareness of Trauma and Dis-ease

  • Uncover unconscious drivers

  • Re-wire your Neuro-Nervous System

  • Shed outdated anti-Self patterns & stories

Step into your Sovereignty

  • Get clear on your Unique Purpose

  • Intimately understand your body, mind, spirit connection

  • Become the Conscious Creator of your reality

  • Improve your energy levels and holistic health

  • Begin to create a Life of Joy, Ease, Abundance and Success

What will you experience?

Working One on One with me, Cláudia Delmont. Ordained High Priestess of the Christed Sophia. A Quantum Healer, Hypnosis Practitioner, Spiritual Coach & Teacher. I weave my Coaching & Psychological background with the teachings & wisdom of the Divine Mother Goddess Mysteries.

Being held within a Sacred Medicine Container, embraced in the energies & unconditional love of the Divine Mother Goddess.

Expanding into your Sovereignty through alignment with your Soul.

Spiralling inward through Ceremony & Quantum Healing Hypnosis.

Healing through especially curated & created Psycho-Spiritual processes & tools.

Embodiment through Rituals & Practices.

Discovering the beauty of living in coherence with your Higher Self, others and the Earth.

Nurturing & guidance throughout this journey with ongoing WhatsApp support between sessions.

Do you feel called to walk this Journey?

Book a complimentary 30 minute call & let’s unpack how you can be Sovereign & Free!

Session Options

Sessions can be held Online via Zoom or In person at my practice in Blairgowrie, Johannesburg.



Online sessions are great for those who aren’t based in Johannesburg or aren’t able to make an in person session for whatever reason.

There is no connection loss because it's not in person. Amazing sessions happen online all the time, and yours will be amazing too.


Come visit my practice in Blairgowrie!

I love connecting with Clients in my space. Deep work happens here. The walls are seeped in healing & transformational frequencies from countless healing sessions. It is my honour to share these frequencies with you.